Nurturing community and personal well being through the mind-body connection.
Empowering women through their matrescence journey.

Hello, Mama!
Hey Mama (or Mama to be).
Thank you for being here.
I know how challenging life can be when navigating resources to set yourself up for success as a mother! Well have no fear, here is a robust and ever-changing list of all things Mama to get you started on your road to success!
Check out these links below.....
Social Programs & Resources in Central Vancouver Island (no-cost):
Healthy Beginnings. For infants 0-6 months at Nanaimo health unit, 1665 Grant Ave. Facebook group “Nanaimo public health” for monthly calendar.
Mother Goose. Through Nanaimo Parks and Recreation. Check out Nanaimo’s Recreation Guide or visit www.nanaimo.ca “Recreation and Parks- Activity Guide”
“Baby Time”. Vancouver Island Library. Different times at various library locations. Check out www.virl.bc.ca “Programs and Events” or pick up the Library Events guide at your local branch.
“New Mom’s, Dad’s, and Babies (up to 6 months) and “Building better babies”. Tillicum Lelum Aboriginal Health Centre. Provides childminding and transportation. Welcomes all ethnicities. Phone 250-753-6578.
Healthy Beginnings. For infants 0-12 months at Ladysmith Community Health Centre: 1111-4th Ave. Rm 118.
Mother Goose. Infant and Toddler classes (newborn to age 3). Facebook www.facebook.com/ladysmithmothergoose
Autismbc community group. Offers monthly family meetings. E-mail ladysmith@autismbc.ca or Call Teresa at 1-888-437-0880 ext 106
Baby and Me. Parksville Public Health. Family Place Parksville. Only available by referral to those who meet criteria for program.
Tic Tak. Parksville. Through SOS (society of organized services). Website www.sosd69.com/component/zoo/item/tic-tac
You Matter too - Mom Support Group (Parksville). Offered by the Nurture Collective. By donation. Website www.thenurturecollective.ca
Mid-island babywearers. Facebook group and meet-ups.
Online Resources to Learn More about your Matrescence Journey:
COPE - The Center of Perinatal Excellence... WHERE DO I BEGIN? Australia has some things figured the f-out and Maternal health is high on the list. Visit their website for an arms -length list of resources to help guide you through your pregnancy and post-partum experience. https://www.cope.org.au/
Fun fact: I found out about COPE through the one and only, power-Mama Nikki McCahon who specializes in matrescence education and has a great free resource (e-book) on her website you can download here https://www.nikkimccahon.com/discover-matrescence ​